1. Report of Committee on Corrosion and Protection, U.K.Dept. of Trade and Industry (HMSO, London, 1970); UN Seminar on Techno-economic Aspects and Results of Anti-Corrosion Measures in Engineering Industries, Geneva, January 1975 (to be published).
2. G. Dearnaley, in ‘New Uses of Accelerators’ ed. J.F. Ziegler (Plenum Press, New York, 1975) to be published.
3. G. Amsel et al., Nucl. Instr. & Methods 92, 481 (1971).
4. F. Abel, G. Amsel et al., J. Radioanal. Chem. 16, 567 (1973).
5. G. Dearnaley, R. Garnsey, N.E.W. Hartley, J.F. Turner and I.S. Woolsey, J. Vac. Sci. & Tech. 12, 449 (1975).