XPathMark: An XPath Benchmark for the XMark Generated Data


Franceschet Massimo


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference10 articles.

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1. An Efficient Prefix-Based Labeling Scheme for XML Dynamic Updates Using Hexagonal Pattern;IEEE Access;2022

2. Decidable XPath Fragments in the Real World;Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems - PODS '19;2019

3. A Real-time scheduling algorithm for on-demand wireless XML data broadcasting;Journal of Network and Computer Applications;2016-06

4. Projection for Nested Word Automata Speeds up XPath Evaluation on XML Streams;Lecture Notes in Computer Science;2016

5. Fast in-memory XPath search using compressed indexes;Software: Practice and Experience;2013-10-03








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