1. V. R. Pratt, Some Constructions for Order-Theoretic Models of Concurrency,Proc. Conf. on Logics of Programs, Springer-Verlag LNCS 193, Brooklyn (1985).
2. T. Denvir, W. Harwood, M. Jackson, and M. Ray,The Analysis of Concurrent Systems, Proc. of a Tutorial and Workshop, September 1983, Cambridge University, LNCS 207, Springer-Verlag (1985).
3. C. Barney, Logic Designers Toss Out the Clock, Electronics58(49):42?45 (December 1985).
4. J. Gischer, Partial Orders and the Axiomatic Theory of Shuffle, Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Dept., Stanford University (December 1984).
5. I. Greif, Semantics of Communicating Parallel Processes, Ph.D. Thesis, Project MAC Report TR-154, MIT (September 1975).