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4. SCHOENENBERGER, M., CHEATWOOD, F. M., and DESAI, P. N. “Static Aerodynamics of the Mars Exploration Rover Entry Capsule,” presented as paper AIAA Paper 2005-0056 at the 43rd AIAA Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 2005.
5. KASS, D. M., SCHOFIELD, J. T., MICHAELS, T. I., RAFKIN, S. C. R., RICHARDSON, M. I., and TOIGO, A. D. “Analysis of Atmospheric Mesoscale Models for Entry, Descent, and Landing,” Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 108, No. E12, 25 November 2003, pp. ROV 31–1 to ROV 31–12.