1. Audsley, A.,S. Alber,R. Clift,S. Cowell,P. Crettaz,G. Gaillard,J. Hausheer,O. Jolliet,R. Kleijn,B. Mortensen,D. Pearce,E. Roger,H. Teulon,B. Weidema,H. Van Zeijts (forthcoming): Harmonisation of Environmental Life Cycle Assessment for Agriculture. Final Report for Concerted Action AIR3-CT94-2028. Silsoe Research Institute, Silsoe, Bedford
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3. Clift, R. (1995): The New Industrial Ecology. In: J.E. Castlk and M.J. Kelly (eds.) Advanced Materials in the Market Place. Institute of Materials, London, pp. 129–43
4. Cowell, S.J.,R. Clift (1995): Life Cycle Assessment for Food Producton Systems. Proceedings of The Fertiliser Society, Peterborough
5. Cowell, S.J.,R. Clift (forthcoming): Biodiversity and Life Cycle Assessment: Options for Integration. Paper in preparation