1. Badami, M. G. 2001. A multiple-objectives approach to address motorized two-wheeled vehicle emissions in Delhi, India. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 321 pp
2. British Broadcasting Corporation. 2002. Delhi’s commuter agony. BBC, London; available at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/1920481.stm
3. Bureau of Indian Standards. 1995a. Motor gasolines–Specification, IS 2796: 1995, Second Revision. BIS, New Delhi, 21 pp
4. Bureau of Indian Standards. 1995b. Diesel fuels–Specification, IS 1460: 1995, Third Revision. BIS, New Delhi, 9 pp
5. Bureau of Indian Standards. 2000a. Motor gasolines–Specification, IS 2796: 2000, Third Revision, with amendments. BIS, New Delhi, 37 pp