Reference Phase in Diffractive Lens Antennas: A Review


Minin Igor V.,Minin O. V.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Condensed Matter Physics,Instrumentation,Radiation

Reference40 articles.

1. A. Fresnel, Oeuvres d’Augustin Fresnel, Vol. 1, Note 1, pp.365-372 (1866). Reprinted in J. Ojeda-Castanada and C. Gomez-Reino, Selected Papers on ZONE PLATES, SPIE Milestone Series VOL. MS 128 (1996).

2. J.L. Soret, Annalen der Physic und Chemie, Vol. 156, pp. 99–113 (1875). Reprinted in J. Ojeda-Castanada and C. Gomez-Reino, ibid. Although Soret was first to publish focusing with Fresnel zone plates, there is evidence that Lord Rayleigh (unpublished) had anticipated this result.

3. B. Niemann, D. Rudolph and G.Schmahl, “Soft X-Ray Imaging Zone Plates with Large Zone Numbers for Microscopic and Spectroscopic Applications,” Optics Communications 12, 160 (1974).

4. J.C. Wiltse, “History and Evolution of Fresnel Zone Plate Antennas for Microwaves and Millimeter Waves,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Int. Symp. 1999, Special Section “Status and Future of Fresnel Zone Plate Antennas,” Orlando FL, July 11–16, 1999, Symp. Digest Vol. 2, pp. 722–725.

5. H.D. Hristov, Fresnel Zones in wireless links, zone plate lenses, and antennas, Artech House Boston, 2000.

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