1. Burton, W. G. 1966. The Potato. A survey on its history and of factors influencing its yield, nutritive value, quality and storage. Second Edition. H. Veenman and Zonen, N. V., Wageningen, The Netherlands. Chapter 12, p. 263.
2. Comeau, J. E. Research Report 1961–62, Research Station, Fredericton, N. B., Canada, p. 15. Potato Nutrition and Management.
3. Houghland, G. V. C. and R. V. Akeley. 1959. Effect of seed spacing and fertilizer rate on field performances of potato varieties and on financial returns. Amer. Potato J. 36: 7.
4. Iritani, W. M. 1968. The effect of storage temperature on productivity of Russet Burbank seed. 52nd annual meeting of Potato Association of America (Abstract).
5. Reiman, G. H., D. C. Cooper and Melvin Rominsky. 1953. Potato tuber development. I. The Russet Burbank variety, influence of seed piece origin and spacing in tuber size and shape. Amer. Potato J. 30: 98.