1. Ancona, G., Huber, A., Lehalleur, S.P.: On the relative motive of a commutative group scheme. Algebra Geom. 3(2), 150–178 (2016)
2. André, Y., Kahn, B.: Nilpotence, radicaux et structures monoïdales. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 108, 107–291 (2002). With an appendix by Peter O’Sullivan
3. Ancona, G.: On the standard conjecture of Hodge type for abelian varieties. Oberwolfach Rep. 31(2016), 1771–1773 (2016)
4. Ancona, G.: Conservativity of realization functors on motives of abelian type over finite fields. In: Fresán, J., Jossen, Pink (eds.) Proceedings of “Motives and Complex Multiplication” to appear
5. André, Y.: Une introduction aux motifs (motifs purs, motifs mixtes, périodes). In: Panoramas et Synthèses [Panoramas and Syntheses], vol. 17. Société Mathématique de France, Paris (2004)