1. Perry, C. C., andLissner, H. R., “The Strain Gage Primer,”2nd ed. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 157–163 (1962).
2. Wu, C. T., “Transverse Sensitivity of Bonded Strain Gages,”Experimental Mechanics,2,11,338–344 (1962).
3. Meyer, M. L., “A Unified Rational Analysis for Gauge Factor and Cross-sensitivity of Electric-Resistance Strain Gauges,” to be published in Jnl. Strain Anal. (Oct. 1967).
4. Bean, W. T., Verbal communication.
5. Campbell, W. R., “Performance Tests of Wire Strain Gages, Part IV—Axial and Transverse Sensitivities,” NACA Tech. Note No. 1042 (1946).