1. M.S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, K. Surihara, I.L. Spain, and H.A. Goldberg, Graphite Fibers and Filaments ( Springer, Berlin, 1988 ).
2. E.J. Freise, Nature (London), 193, 671 (1962).
3. For a review of the relations between crystal structure and external shapes see, for example, Crystal Form and Structure, C.J. Schneer, Ed. (Dowden, Hutchison & Ross, Stroudsburg, PA, 1977 ).
4. J.A. Jaszczak, Mineralogical Record, 21, 427 (1991).
5. A.R. Ubbethode, Endevour, 24 (92), 63 (1965).