1. K. Blok, C.A. Hendriks, W.C. Turkenburg: The Role of Carbon Dioxide Removal in the Reduction of the Greenhouse Effect, IEA/OECD Expert Seminar on Energy Technologies for Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases, Paris, 12–14th April 1989.
2. A.C. van der Harst, A.J.F.M. van Nieuwland: Disposal of Carbon Dioxide in Depleted Natural Gas Reservoirs (elsewhere in this publication).
3. E.H. Lysen: The Absorption of Carbon Dioxide by the Oceans, Lysen Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau, Amersfoort, February 1989 (in Dutch).
4. M. Steinberg, H.C. Cheng: A System Study for the Removal, Recovery and Disposal of Carbon Dioxide from Fossil Fuel Power Plants in the US, Brookhaven National Laboratory, February 1985.
5. C.R. Pauley: CO2 Recovery from Flue Gas, CEP, May 1984.