Semiotics “Today”: The Twentieth-Century Founding and Twenty-First-Century Prospects


Deely John


Springer Netherlands

Reference269 articles.

1. Anderson, Myrdene, John, Deely, Martin, Krampen, Joseph Ransdell, Thomas A. Sebeok, and Thure von Uexküll. 1984. A semiotic perspective on the sciences: Steps toward a new paradigm. Semiotica 52 (1/2): 7–47. (Originally published as Toronto Semiotic Circle Monograph (1984, Number 5); subsequently reprinted in Thomas A. Sebeok, I Think I Am a Verb (New York: Plenum, 1986), 17–44).

2. Aquinas, Thomas (c.December 1224–1274 March 7). c.1266–1273, in vol. 2, 184–296 of the i.1252–1273 seven-volume S. Thomae Aquinatis Opera Omnia ut sunt in indice thomistico, ed. Roberto Busa (Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1980).

3. Aristotle. 384–322bc. Note: our citations here are from the 12-volume Oxford edition prepared under W. D. Ross Ed. 1928–1952 (q.v.); for the convenience of the reader, after the abbreviation RM, we also give the pages where applicable to the more readily available one-volume edition of The Basic Works of Aristotle (New York: Basic Books, 1941) prepared by Richard McKeon as editor, using the translations of the Oxford edition. Chronology for the works is based on Gauthier 1970, as follows:

4. Aristotle. c.330bc. On the soul (trans. J. A. Smith; RM 533-603 complete).

5. Aristotle. c.330bc. On interpretation (De Interpretatione; trans. Edghill 1926).







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