1. Cmp Annual Reports, CMP Information Bulletins. available upon request, send E-mail to cmp@ imag.fr - Web site:
2. H. DE MAN. De Man “Education For The Deep Sub-micron Age: Business as Usual?”, 34th Design Automation Conference, DAC’97, Anaheim, California, USA, 1997.
3. K. TORKI, S. SAULNIER “Accurate Timing modeling and Design-Kit Development For a Sub-micron CMOS Technology”, 2nd European Workshop Microelectronics Education, EWME’98, The Netherlands, 14–15 May 1998.
4. B. COURTOIS, H. DELORI, J.M KARAM, J.F PAILLOTIN, K. TORKI “The services available from CMP”, Invited paper at 3`d International Conference on ASIC (ASICON’98), Beijing — China, 20–23 October 1998.
5. J. M. KARAM, B. COURTOIS, And J. M. PARET, “Collective fabrication of microsystems compatible with CMOS through the CMP service”, Materials Science and Engineering B, vol. 35, 1995, pp. 219–223.