1. B.H. Mackintosh, T. Surek, J.P. Kalejs, E.M. Sachs, S. Nagy and F.V. Wald, 13th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Record (New York; IEEE, 1978), p. 350.
2. J.P. Kalejs, B.H. Mackintosh, E.M. Sachs and F.V. Wald, 14th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Record (New York; IEEE, 1980), p. 13.
3. R.G. Chamberlain, 2nd E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 1979, R. Van Overstraeten and W. Palz, eds. (Dordrecht, Holland; D. Reidel, 1979), p. 851-8.
4. E.M. Sachs and T. Surek, J. Crystal Growth, 50, 114 (1980).
5. J.P. Kalejs, M.C. Cretella, F.V. Wald and B. Chalmers, ECS Meeting, St. Louis, May 1980, Abstract 329, and in joint symposium volume, Electronic and Optical Properties of Polycrystalline or Impure Semiconductors/Novel Silicon Growth Methods, in press.