1. Chamberlain, R. G., “Product Pricing in the Solar Array Manufacturing Industry: An Executive Summary of SAMICS,” in Proceedings of the Thirteenth Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, June 5–8, 1978, held in Washington, D.C. (in publication).
2. Chamberlain, R. G., A Normative Price for a Manufactured Product: The SAMICS Methodology, JPL Document* 5101-93, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., January 15, 1979. Presented at the November 1978 ORSA/TIMS Meeting in Los Angeles, California.
3. Aster, R. W., Economic Analysis of a Candidate 50ç/Wpk Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology, JPL Document* 5101-94, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., December 1, 1978.
4. Bickler, D. B., “A Preliminary Test Case Manufacturing Sequence for 50ç/Watt Solar Modules in 1986,” in Proceedings of the 1979 Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, April 23–26, 1979, held in West Berlin, Germany (this volume).
5. Phase III SAMICS Support Study Final Report,* DOE/JPL-955123-79/1, Theodore Barry & Associates, Los Angeles, Calif., January 1979.