1. See Jaegwon Kim, `Causation, Nomic Subsumption, and the Concept of Event’, Journal of Philosophy
70 (1973), 27–36. I should mention that it was reflection on this excellent paper that first led me to the views developed in the present one.
2. Peter Geach, God and the Soul, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1969, p. 71. See also Jaegwon Kim, Non-Causal Relations’, Noüs8 (1974), 41–52, and `Events as Property Exemplifications’, in M. Brand and D. Walton (eds.), Action Theory, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1976, pp. 159–177.
3. I take this example from Kim, `Causation, Nomic Subsumption, and the Concept of Event’.
4. David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature1.3.14, ed. by L. A. Selby-Bigge, Oxford University Press, London, 1888, p. 170.
5. “When any objects resemble each other, the resemblance will at first strike the eye, or rather the mind, and seldom requires a second examination” (Treatise 1.3.1, p. 70).