1. Aissen, Judith (1974) ‘Verb Raising’ Linguistic Inquiry 5, 325–366.
2. Aissen, Judith (1977) ‘The Interaction of Clause Reduction and Causative Clause Union in Spanish,’ NELS 7, 1–18.
3. Aissen, Judith and David M. Perlmutter (1976) ‘Clause Reduction in Spanish,’ BLS 2, 1–30.
4. Anderson, John M. (1971) The Grammar of Case: Towards a Localist Theory, Cambridge University Press.
5. Anderson, S. and S. Chung (1977) ‘On Grammatical Relations and Clause Structure in Verb-Initial Languages,’ Syntax and Semantics 8, ed. Sadock and Cole, Academic Press.