1. Machiavelli N. The Prince. New York: P. F. Collier & Son Corp., 1910, 1938: 19.
2. Pellegrino ED. Humanism and the Physician. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1979: 15.
3. Uhlman M, Ditzen LS, FitzGerald S. U.S. assess Penn doctors $30 million. Philadelphia Inquirer December 13, 1995: Al. The lead under the headline was “Abuse of Medicare billings amounted to some $10 million, investigators said. Fines come to $20 million. Further scrutiny of teaching hospitals is planned.” Issues included billing for care that residents had provided as though an attending physician had and up-coding from what was provided to a category of care that gets greater payment. Penn consented to pay the $30 million without accepting guilt.
4. Cohen ES. The Penn doctors sent an immoral message. Philadelphia Inquirer. December 16, 1995: A17.
5. Zuckerman H. The role of the role model: The other side of sociological change. In: O’Gorman HJ, ed. Surveying Social Life: Papers in Honor of Herbert H. Hyman. Middletown CT: Wesleyan University Press: 137ff, notes that social obligations attach to being a role model.