The Inadequacy of Role Models for Educating Medical Students in Ethics with Some Reflections on Virtue Theory


Erde Edmund L.


Springer Netherlands

Reference62 articles.

1. Machiavelli N. The Prince. New York: P. F. Collier & Son Corp., 1910, 1938: 19.

2. Pellegrino ED. Humanism and the Physician. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1979: 15.

3. Uhlman M, Ditzen LS, FitzGerald S. U.S. assess Penn doctors $30 million. Philadelphia Inquirer December 13, 1995: Al. The lead under the headline was “Abuse of Medicare billings amounted to some $10 million, investigators said. Fines come to $20 million. Further scrutiny of teaching hospitals is planned.” Issues included billing for care that residents had provided as though an attending physician had and up-coding from what was provided to a category of care that gets greater payment. Penn consented to pay the $30 million without accepting guilt.

4. Cohen ES. The Penn doctors sent an immoral message. Philadelphia Inquirer. December 16, 1995: A17.

5. Zuckerman H. The role of the role model: The other side of sociological change. In: O’Gorman HJ, ed. Surveying Social Life: Papers in Honor of Herbert H. Hyman. Middletown CT: Wesleyan University Press: 137ff, notes that social obligations attach to being a role model.







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