1. Agassi, Joseph, ‘The Confusion between Science and Metaphysics in Standard Histories of Science’ ([‘Confusion’ I]), in H. Geurlac [Ithaca] Reprinted here.
2. Agassi, Joseph, ‘The Confusion between Science and Technology in Standard Philosophies of Science ’ ([‘Confusion’ II]) Technology and Culture 7 (1966). Reprinted here.
3. Agassi, Joseph, ‘Changing our Background Knowledge’ [‘Background’], Synthese 19 (1969).
4. Agassi, Joseph, ‘The Nature of Scientific Problems and Their Roots in Metaphysics’ [‘Nature’], in M. Bunge, [Festschrift] Reprinted here.
5. Agassi, Joseph, ‘Methodological Individualism’ ‘Individualism’ , Brit. J. Sociology 11 (1960).