1. Ferry, J. D., Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, New York, Wiley (1970).
2. 1. Griffith, W. I., The accelerated characterization of viscoelastic composite materials, Ph.D. Dissertation, VPI & SU, Blacksburg, VA, 1980
3. 2. also Report VPI-E-80-15, 1980, with D. H. Morris and H. F. Brinson.
4. 3. Hiel, C., The nonlinear viscoelastic response of resin matrix composite laminate, Ph.D. Dissertation, The Free University of Brussels (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, 1983
5. 4. also report VPI-E-83-6, March 1983 with A. H. Cardon and H. F. Brinson.