1. Brinson, H. F., Morris, D. H. and Yeow, Y. T., A new experimental method for the accelerated characterization of composite materials, Sixth International Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis, Munich, September 18–22, 1978.
2. Yeow, Y. T., The time—temperature behavior of graphite epoxy laminates, Ph.D. Dissertation, VPI & SU, Blacksburg, VA, 1978.
3. Griffith, W. I., The accelerated characterization of viscoelastic composite materials, Ph.D. Dissertation, VPI & SU,Blacksburg, VA, 1980; also VPI Report VPI-E-80–15, with D. H. Morris and H. F. Brinson.
4. Brinson, H. F., Morris, D. H., Griffith, W. I. and Dillard, D. A., The viscoelastic response of a graphite/epoxy laminate, Proceedings of International Conference on Composite Structures, Paisley, Scotland, September, Applied Science Publishers, 1981.
5. Dillard, D. A., Creep and creep rupture of laminated graphite/epoxy composites, Ph.D. Dissertation, VPI & SU,Blacksburg, VA, 1981; also VPI Report VPI-E-81–3, with D. H. Morris and H. F. Brinson.