1. Abrahamson, D. (2006a). Mathematical representations as conceptual composites: implications for design. In S. Alatorre, J. L. Cortina, M. Sáiz, & A. Méndez (Eds.), Proceedings of the twenty eighth annual meeting of the North American chapter of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education (Vol. 2, pp. 464–466). Mérida: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.
2. Abrahamson, D. (2006b). The shape of things to come: the computational pictograph as a bridge from combinatorial space to outcome distribution. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 11(1), 137–146.
3. Abrahamson, D. (2007). The real world as a trick question: undergraduate statistics majors’ construction-based modeling of probability. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago. http://gse.berkeley.edu/faculty/DAbrahamson/publications/Abrahamson-AERA2007.pdf .
4. Abrahamson, D. (2008). Fostering the emergence of an embodied cognitive artifact: the case of the number line in a design for probability. In D. Abrahamson (Chair), D. Earnest (Org.), & H. Bass (Discussant), The many values o the number line—an interdisciplinary forum. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the American Education Research Association, New York, March 24–28. http://gse.berkeley.edu/faculty/DAbrahamson/publications/Abrahamson-AERA2008-NumberLine-symp.pdf .
5. Abrahamson, D. (2009a). Embodied design: constructing means for constructing meaning. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 70(1), 27–47. Electronic supplementary material at http://edrl.berkeley.edu/publications/journals/ESM/Abrahamson-ESM/ .