1. Allais, M., A la Recherche dune Discipline Economique, Première Partie, L’Economie Pure (In Quest of an Economic Discipline, Part I, Pure Economics), 1st ed., Ateliers Industria, Paris, 1943, 2 vol., 842 p. and Annexes 68 p. Second edition entitled: Traité d’Economie Pure (Treatise on Pure Economies), Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1952, 5 vols., 1000 p. (The second edition is identical to the first, except for a new introduction).
2. Allais, M., Economie Pure et Rendement Social (Pure Economies and Social Output), Sirey, Paris, 1945, 72 p.
3. Allais, M., Economie et Intérêt (Economy and Interest), Imprimerie Nationale and Librairie des Publications Officielles, Paris, 1947, 2 vols., 800 p.
4. Allais, M., La Gestion des Houillères Nationalisées et la Théorie Economique (The Management of the Nationalized Coal Industry and Economic Theory), Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1953, 126 p.
5. Allais, M., L’Extension des Théories de l’Equilibre Economique Général et du Rendement Social au cas du Risque’ (Extension of the Theories of General Economic Equilibrium and Social Output to the Case of Risk), Econometrica (April 1953), pp. 269–290.