The Legacy of the Outstanding Economist (The Centenary of Maurice Allais)


Belyanin A.1,Egorov I.2


1. National Research University Higher School of Economics

2. Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO)


The paper is devoted to Maurice Allais, the Nobel prize winner and one of the most original and deep-thinking economist whose centenary is celebrated this year. The authors describe his contributions to economics, and his place in contemporary science - economics and physics, as well as his personality and philosophy. Scientific works by Allais, albeit translated into Russian, still remain little known. The present article aims to fill this gap and to pay tribute to this outstanding intellectual and academic, who deceased last year, aged 99.


NP Voprosy Ekonomiki


Economics and Econometrics,Finance

Reference23 articles.

1. Alle M. Pereosmyslivaya obshchepriznannye istiny. M.: TEIS, 2000.

2. Alle M. Povedenie ratsional'nogo cheloveka v usloviyakh riska: kritika postulatov i aksiom amerikanskoi shkoly / Per. I. A. Egorova, pod red. A. V. Poletaeva // THESIS. 1994. № 5. S. 217-241.

3. Alle M. Usloviya effektivnosti v ekonomike. M.: Nauka dlya obshchestva, 1998.

4. Egorov I. Fenomen Morisa Alle // Alle M. Ekonomika kak nauka. M: Nauka dlya obshchestva, RGGU, 1995.

5. Allais M. A Restatement of the Quantity Theory of Money // American Economic Review. 1966. Vol. 56, No 5. R. 1123-1157.







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