1. This paper is a reply to Prof. D. T. Campbell’s “Models of Language Learning and their Implications for Social-Constructionist Analyses of Scientific Belief”.
2. D. T. Campbell (1973), 'Ostensive instances and entitivity in language learning', in W. Gray and N. Rizzo (eds), Unity Through Diversity N.Y., Gordon and Breach, 1043-1057
3. D. T. Campbell (1964), 'Distinguishing Differences of Perception from Failures of Communication in Cross-Cultural Studies', in F. Northrop and H. Livingston (eds), Cross Cultural Understanding in Anthropology N.Y., Harper & Row, 308-336. M H. Segal, D. T. Campbell and M. J. Herskovits, The Influence of Culture on Visual Perception Indianapolis and New York, Bobbs-Merrill, 1966.
4. See for example D. Bloor (1976), Knowledge and Social Imagery London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 45–38.
5. B. Barnes (1983), 'On the Conventional Character of Knowledge and Cognition', in K. Knorr-Cetina and M. Mulkay (eds), Science Observed London, Sage, 19-51