1. Aebli, H.: 1981, Denken: Das Ordnen des Tuns I, II, Klett, Stuttgart.
2. Avital, S. and M. Finegold: 1976, ‘Enquiry, Discovery, and Research: Terminology and Meaning’, Educational Studies in Mathematics 7, 389–397
3. Avital, S. and Z. Parness: 1978, ‘Exploratory Problems in Elementary School Mathematics — A Study of Learning and Retention’, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Osnabrück, 9–26.
4. Bromme, R. and F. Seeger: 1979, Unterrichtsplanung als Handlungsplanung, Königstein/Ts.
5. Choquet, G.: 1962, ‘L’Analyse et Bourbaki’, L’Enseignement Mathêmatique VIII, 109–135 (also in G. Choquet, 1962, What is Modern Mathematics?, Educational Explorers Ltd., Reading).