1. Wilson I.H., Nucl. Instrum and Meth.B1(1984) 331; also, in “Ion Beam Modification of Insulators,” Eds. P. Mazzoldi, G.W. Arnold ( Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1987 ) p. 245.
2. Singer I.L., R.N. Bolster, J.A. Sprague, K. Kim, S. Ramalingam, R.A. Jeffries, G.O. Ramseyer, J. Appl. Phys.58(1985) 1255.
3. Singer I.L., Surf. Coat, and Technol.33(1987) 487.
4. “Metastable Materials Formation by Ion Implantation,” edited by S.T. Picraux, W.J. Choyke ( North Holland, N.Y. 1982 ).
5. Singer I.L., Vacuum34(1984) 853.