1. Adams, J. L. (1974). Conceptual blockbusting. Stanford, CA: Stanford Alumni Association.
2. Arnold, J. E. (1956). Problem solving—A creative approach (National Defense University, Publication No. L57-20). Washington, DC: Industrial College of the Armed Forces.
3. Arnold, J. E. (1953/2016). The Arcturus IV case study. Edited with an Introduction by John E. Arnold, Jr. (Stanford University, Engineering Case Program (1948–1972), Case Files, Stanford Digital Repository) (Original work published 1953).
4. Arnold, J. E. (1959/2016). Creative engineering. In W. J. Clancey (Ed.), Creative engineering: Promoting innovation by thinking differently (pp. 59–150). Stanford Digital Repository.
(Original manuscript 1959).
5. Buchanan, R. (1992). Wicked problems in design thinking. Design Issues, 8(2), 5–21.