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2. D.L. Simms, Adventures of an innovation over two millenia: the water-screw and its variants: Part I Origins and Designs. Atti Della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, LXV(2):197–215, 2010.
3. D.L. Simms, Adventures of an innovation over two millenia: the water-screw and its variants: Part II In and out of Use. Atti Della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, LXV(5):643–678, 2010.
4. D.L. Simms, Adventures of an innovation over two millenia: the water-screw and its variants, Part III Back in uses. Atti Della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, LXV(2):197–215, 2010.
5. Daniel Bernoulli, Hydrodynamics by Daniel Bernoulli, Hydraulics by Johann Bernoulli. Dover Publications, New York, 1968, first edition, 1968.