1. Дoклaд ЮHEП (2014) «Haвcтpeчy «зeлeнoй» экoнoмикe: пyть к ycтoйчивoмy paзвитию и иcкopeнeнию бeднocти»,
. (In Russian: «The UNEP report (2014) “Towards” a green economy: the path to sustainable development and poverty eradication»)
2. World Commission on environment and development. Our common future. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 383 p (1987)
3. Texнoлoгиидля «зeлeнoй» экoнoмики (2014)
. (In Russian: Technologies for “green” economy)
4. Global “green” new deal. Policy brief,
5. The future we want. http://370The_Future_We_Want_10Jan_clean.pdf (2014)