1. Allison, Graham T. The Essence of Decision (Little Brown 1971)
2. Brennan, Timothy. 2017. Michael Crew’s (and Paul Kleindorfer’s) Scholarly Contributions to the CRRI Postal Conferences, 1992-2012. In this volume.
3. Hyman, David A., and William E. Kovacic. 2014. Why Who Does What Matters: Governmental Design and Agency Performance. George Washington University Law Review. 82: 1446-1516.
4. Kovacic, William E. 2005. Measuring What Matters: The Federal Trade Commission and Investments in Competition Policy Research and Development. Antitrust Law Journal. 72: 861-69.
5. Kovacic, William E. 2007. The Importance of History to the Design of Competition Policy Strategy: The Federal Trade Commission and Intellectual Property. Seattle University Law Review. 30: 319-47.