Spatial Logic and Spatial Model Checking for Closure Spaces


Ciancia Vincenzo,Latella Diego,Loreti Michele,Massink Mieke


Springer International Publishing

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1. A Spatial Logic for Simplicial Models;Logical Methods in Computer Science;2023-07-26

2. Geometric Model Checking of Continuous Space;Logical Methods in Computer Science;2022-11-22

3. A Logic for Monitoring Dynamic Networks of Spatially-distributed Cyber-Physical Systems;Logical Methods in Computer Science;2022-01-07

4. SaSTL: Spatial Aggregation Signal Temporal Logic for Runtime Monitoring in Smart Cities;2020 ACM/IEEE 11th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS);2020-04

5. Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Properties (Invited Tutorial);Runtime Verification;2020







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