1. TESLA, Technical design report, part II: the accelerator, published by DESY, Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg, Mar 2001
2. International linear collider reference design report—ILC global design effort and world wide study, in Volume 3: Accelerator, eds. by N. Phinney, N. Toge, N. Walker (2007)
3. International linear collider technical design report—ILC global design effort and world wide study, in Part II:
The ILC Baseline Reference, eds. by J. Carwardine, N. Phinney, N. Toge, P. Burrows (2012)
4. TESLA Test Facility Linac Design Report, Editor: Don Edwards, March 1995
5. The European X-ray free-electron laser—technical design report. DESY XFEL project group, European XFEL project team, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Member of the Helmholtz Association, Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany, July 2007.