1. Acknowledgements. We thankS. Moreau for mycelium ofP. roqueforti andJ.-C. Gripon and MlleE. Zissmann for additional cultures;B. Septe for13C nmr-spectra:S. K. Kan for the 240 MHz1H nmr-spectrum of roquefortine; MmeLe Phan Diêp for amino acid analyses; andS. Wilkinson andP. G. Mantle, respectively, for samples of fumigaclavine B and agroclavine.
2. J. F. Spilsbury andS. Wilkinson, J. chem. Soc.1961, 2085.
3. By high resolution mass spectroscopy, courtesy ofP. Varenne, W. B. Turner andW. F. Miles. We thankB. C. Das for helpful discussion.
4. N. K. Hart, S. R. Johns, J. A. Lamberton andR. E. Summons, Aust. J. Chem.27, 639 (1974).
5. A. Ahond, M.-M. Janot, N. Langlois, G. Lukacs, P. Potier, P. Rasoanaivo, M. Sangaré, N. Neuss, M. Plat, J. Le Men, E. W. Hagaman andE. Wenkert, J. Am. Chem. Soc.96, 633 (1974).