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2. Constantine, L.L., Lockwood, L.A.D.: Usage-Centered Engineering for Web Applications. IEEE Software 19(2) (March/April 2002)
3. Patton, J.: Extreme Design: Usage-Centered Design in XP and Agile Development. In: Constantine, L. (ed.) forUSE 2002: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Usage-Centered, Task-Centered, and Performance-Centered Design. Ampersand Press, Rowley (2002)
4. Windl, H.: Designing a Winner: Creating STEP 7 Lite with Usage-Centered Design. In: Constantine, L. (ed.) forUSE 2002: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Usage-Centered, Task-Centered, and Performance-Centered Design. Ampersand Press, Rowley (2002)
5. Strope, J.: Putting Usage-Centered Design to Work: Clinical Applications. In: Constantine, L. (ed.) forUSE 2002: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Usage-Centered, Task-Centered, and Performance-Centered Design. Ampersand Press, Rowley (2002)