1. Aebi M et al (2005) European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics (3rd edn). WODC, The Hague. Also available online under http://www.europeansourcebook.org/esb/
2. Ambos K, Arbour L, Eser A, Sanders A (2000) The Prosecutor of a Permanent International Criminal Court. International workshop in co-operation with the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals (ICTY and ICTR). Freiburg im Breisgau, May 1998, Freiburg i. Br., 708 pp.
3. Council of Europe (1987) The Simplification of Criminal Justice. Recommendation No. R. (87) 18 and explanatory Memorandum. Strasbourg
4. Council of Europe (1997) Report of the Committee of Experts on the role of the Public Prosecution in the Criminal Justice System commissioned by the European Committee on Crime Problems. Strasbourg PC-PR (97) 1 Rev. 3.
5. Council of Europe (2000) The Role of Public Prosecution in the Criminal Justice System. Recommendation Rec. (2000) 19 and explanatory Memorandum. Strasbourg