1. Englar, Robert J., “Development of the A-6/Circulation Control Wing Flight Demon- strator Aircraft,” DTNSRDC Report ASED-274, January 1979; and Englar, R. J,. et al, “Design of the Circulation Control Wing STOL Demonstrator Aircraft,” AIAA paper No. 79–1842, August 1979.
2. Englar, R. J. and C. A. Applegate, “Circulation Control-A Bibliography of DTNSRDC Research and Selected Outside References (Jan 1969 to Dec 1983 ), ” David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Report 84/052, Carderock, MD, Sept., 1984.
3. Englar, R. J., “Circulation Control Aerodynamics: Blown Force and Moment Augmentation and Modification; Past, Present and Future,” AIAA Paper 2000–2541, June, 2000.
4. Englar, R. J., M. J. Smith, C. S. Niebur and S. D. Gregory, “Development of Pneumatic Aerodynamic Concepts for Control of Lift, Drag, and Moments plus Lateral/Directional Stability of Automotive Vehicles,” SAE Paper 960673, Feb. 26–29, 1996. Also published in SAE SP-1145, “Vehicle Aerodynamics: Wind Tunnels, CFD, Aeroacoustics, and Ground Transportation Systems,” pp. 27–38.
5. Englar, Robert J., “Development of Pneumatic Aerodynamic Devices to Improve the Performance, Economy and Safety of Heavy Vehicles,” SAE Paper 2000–01–2208, June 20, 2000.