1. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;J. Michopoulos,2003
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3. Michopoulos, J., Tsompanopoulou, P., Houstis, E., Farhat, C., Lesoinne, M., Rice, J., Joshi, A.: On a Data Driven Environment for Multiphysics Applications. Future Generation Computer Systems (2004) (in-print)
4. Michopoulos, J., Tsompanopoulou, P., Houstis, E., Farhat, C., Lesoinne, M., Rice, J.: Design of a Data-Driven Environment for Multi-field and Multi-Domain Applications. In: Darema, F. (ed.) Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands (2004) (in-print)
5. DDEMA-group, Taxonomic Classification of Reduced Order Models (2004), available from http://ddema.colorado.edu/romtaxonomy