1. Baker Chr., “The wind tunnel determination of crosswind forces and moments on a high speed train”, this volume.
2. Fauchier, Chr., “Numerical Study of the turbulent flow around the reduced scale model of an Inter-Regio Train”, this volume.
3. Gregoire R., Eckl B. and Malfatti A., “TRANSAERO - A Major European Research Project in Railway Aerodynamics”, Proceedings of 3. World Congress of Railway Research Nov 15–19, Volume E, pp 445–450, Florence, Italy, 1997.
4. Heine, Chr. And Matschke G., “Full scale tests on Side Wind effects on Trains. Evaluation of aerodynamic coefficients and efficiency of wind breaking devices”, this volume.
5. Khier, W., “Numerical Computation of 3-D turbulent Flow around high-speed trains under Side-wind conditons”, this volume.