1. Einstein, T. H.: Excitation requirements and dynamic performance of a superconducting alternator for electric utility power generation Sc. D. Thesis. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering M.I.T. January 1971
2. Luck, D. L.: Electromechanical and thermal effects of faults upon superconducting generators. Ph. D. Thesis, Dept of Electrical Engineering, M.I.T. June 1971
3. Luck, D. L., Thullen, P.: Double shielded superconducting winding. U.S. Patent 3764835, October 1973
4. Einstein, T. H.: System performance characteristics of superconducting alternators for electric utility power generation. IEEE PAS Summer Meeting, Anaheim, Calif., July 14–19 1974, Paper T 74-486-7
5. Furuyama, M., Kirtley, J. L. Jr: Transient stability of superconducting alternators. IEEE PAS Summer Meeting, Anaheim, Calif., July 14–19 1974, Paper T 74-485-9