1. Ross, J. S. H.: The engineering design of large superconducting a.c. generators. International Conference on Electrical Machines, Paper Gl, Vienna, September 1976
2. Lawrenson, P. J.; Miller, T. J. E.; Stephenson, J. M.; Ula, A. H.: Damping and screening in the synchronous super-conducting generator. Proc. IEE 123 (1976) 787?794
3. Miller, T. J. E.; Lawrenson, P. J.: Penetration of transient magnetic fields through conducting cylindrical structures, with particular reference to superconducting a.c. machines. Proc. IEE 123 (1976) 437?443
4. Papoulis, A.: The Fourier Integral and its Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill 1962
5. Miller, T. J. E.; Hughes, A.: Comparative design and performance analysis of air-cored and iron-cored synchronous machines. To be published in Proc. IEE 124. (1977)