1. I. J. Bear and R. C. Flann, Proc. The Aus I.M.M. Conference, Western Australia, August (1979) 89.
2. I. J. Bear and R. C. A. Flann, Australian Patent No. 527632 (1979).
3. I. J. Bear, R. C. Flann and L. J. Rogers,Powder Metallurgy No. 2 (1980) 71.
4. I. J. Bear and R. C. Flann,J. Appl. Electrochem., 961.
5. I. J. Bear and R. C. Flann, Proc. P/M-82 in Europe Intern. Powder Metall. Conference, Florence, June (1982) 289;Fachberichte für Metallbearbeitung 60 No. 11-12 (1983) 494.