1. ?Clean Room and Work Station Requirements, Controlled Environment,?Federal Standard No. 209.
2. Personal communication from Bryan Blake, Intel Corp.
3. Parker, W. J., ?Calculation of the Heat Release Rate by Oxygen Consumption for Various Applications,?NBSIR 81-2427-1, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, March 1982.
4. Fisher, F. L., MacCracken, B. G. and Williamson, R. B., ?Experimental Evaluation of the Fire Safety of Combustible Wet Stations Within Microelectronic Fabrication Facilities,?Service to Industry Report 85-2, Fire Research Group, University of California, Berkeley, 1985.
5. Parker, W. J., ?An Investigation of the Fire Environment of the ASTM E84 Tunnel Test,?NBS Technical Note 945, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, July 1980.