1. Alexander S, Griffith C (2000) UDRE Monitor 8th revision Algorithm Description Document (UDRE ADD), WAAS Integrity Performance Panel (WIPP), November 20, 2000. (ADD is available to WIPP members only.)
2. Enge P, Walter T, Pullen S, Kee C, Chao Y-C, Tsai Y-J (1996) Wide Area Augmentation of the Global Positioning System. In: Proceedings of the IEEE, volume: 84 issue: 8, August, 1996
3. Fries R, Altshuler E, Griffith C, Walter T, Mannucci T, Sparks L, Pi X (2001) GIVE Monitor Algorithm Description Document (GIVE ADD), WIPP, January 22, 2001
4. MATLAB, The Math Works Inc. MATLAB is a software tool for doing mathematical computations (see http://www.mathworks.com )
5. McGraw GA, Murphy T, Brenner M, Pullen S, Van Dierendonck AJ (2000) Development of the LAAS Accuracy Models. In: Proceedings of ION GPS 2000, Salt Lake City, UT