1. International Scientific Co-operation: Consolidated report of activities, 1986–90: ED — Mexico. Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1992. EUR 13970 EN. Subsequent volumes covering other ALAMed countries are in preparation and will appear during the next few years.
2. N. Narvaez-Berthelemot, L. P. Frigoletto, J. F. Miquel, International scientific collaboration in Latin America, In:Science Indicatiors for Developing Countries R. Arvantis, J. Gaillard (Eds), ORSTOM, Paris, 1992, pp 333–56.
3. J. M. Russell, N. Narvaez-Berthelemot, Use of the bibliometrical method to determine the scientific activity of Latin America: the case of international co-operation,International Journal of Information and Library Research, 4 (1992) in press.
4. R. Sancho, Misjudgements and shortcomings in the measurement of scientific activities in less developed countries,Scientometrics, 23 (1992) 221–33.
5. F. Spagnolo, Brazilian scientists' publications and mainstream science: Some policy implications,Scientometrics, 18 (1990) 205–18.