1. Bailey, J. W. 1946. The Mammals of Virginia. Williams Printing Company, Richmond, Virginia.
2. Balcom, B. J., and Yahner, R. H. 1996. Microhabitat and landscape characteristics associated with the threatened Allegheny woodrat. Conservation Biology 10:515–525.
3. Butchkoski, C. M. 2003. Eastern woodrat research/management. Job code 71801, Annual report to Pennsylvania Game Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
4. Butchkoski, C. M. 2006. Allegheny woodrat research/management. Job Code 71801-05z, Appendix A, Allegheny woodrat habitat site survey code manual. Pennsylvania Game Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Available
5. Cudmore, W. W. 1983. The distribution and ecology of the eastern woodrat, Neotoma floridana, in Indiana. Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana.