Lösel Friedrich,Beelmann Andreas
Reference124 articles.
1. Akhtar, Nameera, and E. Jane Bradley. 1991. Social information processing deficits of aggressive children: Present findings and implications for social skills training. Clinical Psychology Review 11: 621-644.
2. Ang, Rebecca P., and Jan N. Hughes. 2001. Differential benefits of skills training with antisocial youth based on group composition: A meta-analytic investigation. School Psychology Review 31: 164-185.
3. Beelmann, Andreas. 2000. Pravention dissozialer Entwicklungen: Psychologische Grundlagen und Evaluation fruher kind- und familienbezogener Interventionsmaßnahmen. [Prevention of antisocial developments: Psychological foundations and evaluation of early child- and family-oriented inter-ventions]. Unpublished postdoctoral habilitation thesis, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
4. ----, Ulrich Pfingsten, and Friedrich Losel. 1994. The effects of training social competence in children: A meta-analysis of recent evaluation studies. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 23: 260-271.
5. Bierman, Karen L., Mark T. Greenberg, and Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. 1996. Social skills training in the Fast Track Program. In Preventing childhood disorders, substance abuse, and delinquency edited by Ray DeV. Peters and Robert J. McMahon. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
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