1. Alban, E. K. and E. B. Tussing. 1946. Weight loss of potatoes stored in various containers. Amer. Potato Jour. 23: 302–304.
2. Barger, W. R. and T. M. Whiteman. 1949. Waxing new potatoes. Yearbook of 5th Annual Meeting Kern County Potato Growers’ Assoc. Bakersfield, Cal., p. 86.
3. Bemis, Kris. 1958. What state laws say about color and wax. The United Spud Light, Pub. by United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association, Vol. 15 (19) and Vol. 15 (29), May 23 and Aug. 22.
4. Greene, R. E. L. 1952. Consumer acceptance of waxed and colored potatoes. Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 22, 27 pp.
5. Hall, C. B. 1950. Potato waxnig. Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rpt., p. 84.