1. Feinstein, M. (1977). Iggerot Moshe. Choshen Mishpat II number 69. New York. Maimonides. Mishnah Torah, Hilkhot Rotzeah USh’mirat Nefesh 1:9.
2. Maimonides (circa 1170–80). Mishnah Torah Hilkhot Chovel U’Mazzik 8:15.
3. Soloveitchik, H. (1936). Chiddushei Chayim HaLevi to Hilchot Rotzeiach, 1, 9.
4. Translations of Quotations from the Talmud and Responsa Adapted from Translations Found in the Following Encyclopedic References.
5. Trani, Y. (1861). Maharit. Vol. 1: numbers 97 and 99. Lemberg.